The Bronfman Haggadah

HE BRONFMAN HAGGADAH, a revolutionary Haggadah for the 21st century, is a collaboration between world-renowned philanthropist and Jewish
leader Edgar M. Bronfman, and acclaimed artist Jan Aronson. It tells the story of the Jews’ dramatic journey from slavery to freedom, in a way that will captivate generations to come. Aronson’s bold and brilliant watercolor paintings heighten the text and amplify a story that is crucial to the Jewish narrative of Identity. These luminous images— both abstract and figurative—artfully illustrate the Seder plate’s symbolic foods, the parting of the Red Sea, the forty-year journey through the desert, the giving of the Ten Commandments on Mount Sinai, and other events pivotal to Passover.
A sublime full-color art book and a radical reimagining of the Passover text, THE BRONFMAN HAGGADAH weaves together a diversity of powerful readings from the nineteenth-century abolitionist Frederick Douglas to Ralph Waldo Emerson and poet Marge Piercy to complement the revered text and to inspire a profound sense of Jewish pride and commitment. With its underlying message of human rights and freedom, this Haggadah transmits a positive message about the capacity for peace and hope.